This blog is managed by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group (DEI SIG) of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS).
This blog is a platform for people to share their personal stories about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The purpose is to build the awareness of DEI for our members and the public, and gather like-minded people to further advocate for DEI.
The form of submissions can range from a few sentences to a full story. It has to be personal experiences rather than scientific studies.
We strive to post the exact original submissions. However, we may edit the submissions if needed. See the guidelines below.
Please note that we will post all the submissions on the DEISIG ACBS website, https://deisigacbs.wixsite.com/website.
All articles/stories submitted needs to fulfil the values of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) SIG as delineated below:
Submission : All submissions need to be original and submitted by its
Word count : up to 1500.
Title : up to 90 characters.
Bio : Please provide a short bio, however, should you decide to stay
anonymous, we respect your decision.
Images/Charts/Figures: You can submit charts, figures, or photos as you see fit. A higher resolution is always better. For stock photos, we recommend using Unsplash, Pexels, Burst, or Nappy.co. Please provide photo credit; a brief caption is also encouraged.
Hyperlinks Only : Please use only hyperlinks to indicate the source to the reference contained in the text. For example, You may say “Research shows that…” and add a hyperlink to “Research.” If you have not used hyperlinks before, here is a good explanatory video.
Document Format : All submissions need to be in a Microsoft Word document, as we will use track changes to send feedback. If you have not used track changes in Word, here is a good explanatory video.
When you are ready to send your story, kindly click on the "Submit Your Story" button below.